Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Word of the Day

Wow, right from the dictionary, the word of the day·ta·size.

definition or British fan·ta·sise
Pronunciation: /ˈfant-ə-ˌsīz/
Function: vb-sized
Inflected Form: or British -sised ,, -siz·ing
Inflected Form: or British -sis·ing
vi : to indulge in fantasy : create or develop imaginative and often fantastic views or ideas fantasizes about running away from home with me
vt : to portray in the mind by fantasy he likes to fantasize himself with me>


  1. One of my favorite fantasies is inventing a "cure all" pill. Cures any illness and restores the patient to youthful health. (Saw this on Star Trek.) Not only would I be able to help all the sick people in the world, I would become a gazillionare.
    Megan Fox is another... lol

    What are some of your fantasies?

  2. Happy Birthday! So how does it feel to be 29?

    Many more, hope you have a wonderful day!


And your thoughts????