Monday, May 10, 2010

Mondays always arrive so soon

I know time seems to be moving along quicker with each passing year but Mondays have to be the day of the week that seems to arrive sooner and sooner.

This past weekend was alot of fun but flew by so quickly, I wish it had lasted longer. Not only did I get to work on the flower garden (didn't complete it but worked on it - I'm getting old), I got to play with my nephews and be surrounded by family on Mother's Day. Not a bad way to spend one's time.

Based on the three things I accomplished this weekend,

  • I am now aching in muscles that have remained hidden since last year's gardening work. I can feel muscles in my back, across my chest and down the back of my legs everytime I move. My hand is sore from digging with the hand shovel. Maybe I should work on these muscles more often, that's a thought (even if it's just a fleeting thought).

  • I am tired from playing Hide & Seek, Construction Site, Legos where anything is possible, Tickle me, building puzzles, laughing and listening to silly jokes. If we could bottle the energy of a four year old and sell it to adults how awesome would that be? Even playing can make one tired.

  • I am feeling blessed to have my family surround me where we can all gather together, share a meal, talk and laugh at ourselves and each other. This is what memories are made of, those moments shared with family & friends telling stories or recalling funny antics of years gone by. One of my favorite pasttimes is spending time with those I love and hold dear. Afterall, time waits for no one and one day we will have only memories to sustain us.

Now if the weekend would arrive as quickly as Mondays roll around. On second thought, take your time getting here... time passes much too quickly. Enjoy the moments until the next weekend and let's not rush time along.


  1. The kids are adorable! So glad you had a fun weekend. Fun usually means tiring. lol

  2. Yes, the boys are adorable but only one is pictured here. You'll have to check out my photos to see the other's picture...I got to pull out a tooth for him...L-O-V-E-D it! Haven't had a chance to pull out a tooth in years!


And your thoughts????