Thursday, May 13, 2010

Perplexed Pondering

I have a male friend who refers to me as a g/f. If I am his g/f, does that make him my b/f?

Never thought of myself as his g/f, just a friend that's a girl. I guess it's all in how you define g/f. Our definitions must differ.

So I am putting this question out there to the millions of bloggers in the universe, who may meander upon my blog....what is your definition of a g/f or b/f?

Your thoughts are most appreciated.


  1. I think g/f, b/f implies a physical relationship. It might even be possible to have a b/f that is not a friend. LOL

    Think about any male friends you have vs any boy friends you have or have had.
    From the picture in the post, I gather that you and he have different religions, and probably very different backgrounds. This can be a factor in misunderstanding the meaning of casual remarks.
    The best thing to do is talk to him. Explain you feelings and what kind of relationship you think you have and would like to have.
    If his expectations are not inline with yours, better to get it out in the open sooner than later.


  2. Thanks MK. Perhaps it's just being used as a casual remark and I read into it too much b/c there's no physical relationship. BTW, what's HTH?

  3. "Hope This Helps"


And your thoughts????