Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May Celebrations Part Dos - Cinco de Mayo

Well May Day started the month off and we've already gotten to Cinco de Mayo! Geez, there'll be quite a few celebrations this month...after this, Mother's Day! YAY!

Is Cinco de Mayo just another day to promote Dos Equis and Corona? You'd think so in the US. You don't have to be Mexican to celebrate today.

Actually, Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. Sorta the St. Patty's Day for Mexicans. It's nice to see people celebrate their heritage yet remain patriotic to the US. Afterall, we're all Americans first then Irish-American, Mexican-American, African-American, Polish-American, etc...

I wonder what the 'most interesting man in the world' is doing today, hmmmmm....
Ah, who cares, probably celebrating with a few Coronas in the dark corners of a bar!


  1. Did you know that "the most interesting man" is Jewish?

  2. Really... Jewish? Really? Hmmmmm. You wouldn't be trying to schmooze this shiksa would ya?

  3. Check out the link.
    I'm not one for small talk. lol

  4. Haha, I thought you were turning narcistic on me! So it's true, he's a jew! Who would have thunk it?

  5. Yea, a cool Jew? Who'da thunk it?

    jk :-)


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