Monday, May 17, 2010

That got me to thinking...

A friend's post about dreams got me to thinking. He said that dreams can be goals and aspirations and gave three things he dreams of, one of which was losing weight.

I was very successful at dropping the weight I put on while working full time and attending classes at night earning my undergraduate degree(s). I packed on the pounds while attending school mostly because the lack of time so it was more or less "grab n' go" for four years.

Not long after graduation in 2000, it was August, I decided I wanted to get off the weight so I joined Weight Watchers with a co-worker. We'd leave the office and do one of those lunch 'express' meetings. We told everyone, and I mean E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E that we were going to WW. This ensured our success since everyone knew at work and if we 'cheated' someone would say something to us.

I liked going to the meetings for the weigh ins, the lessons and tips. I also found out, I liked having someone to go with me & I can be quite competitive. Each week we'd compare how much weight we both lost. (Apparently, I was told, I have always been competitive.)

Some of the other 'girls' would say, what are you doing, can I see the book, etc... and we said no, join and come with us. Well it wasn't until our 5th week when they realized how well we were doing and our clothes already began to loosen on us. More folks started asking us how we were doing it.

In all, we had a group of 7 people join and each week we'd compare our ('losses') wins.

As luck would have it, in 2006, I decided to head back to school and pursue my MBA. As they say, past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior. Imagine this.... I picked up my old eating habits while working full time and going to school... eating on the go.

Can you already guess what happened? Those 46 lbs I lost over a 5 month period and kept off for six years found me again! I still have them with me, it's harder to lose the weight this time because I've aged since 2000!

My friend's posting about dreaming of losing weight got me to thinking. Dreaming doesn't take the weight off, action does.

I am thinking about heading back to WW to lose this weight permanently. I have already been successful and I already know what I need to do. It takes lots and lots of planning ahead and discipline. Planning meals, cooking from scratch, making the right choices at summer bar-b-ques and exercise. Truly, it's not rocket science.

I think I can succeed once again but it would really boost my weight loss if I had a buddy doing it too. This way we could compare weekly meal plans, weekly weigh-ins, share great recipes and other tips.... so whaddya say? Wanna lose these extra pounds and support each other through the process?

Along the way, when we've reached our mini goals, we could share a celebratory meal to applaud our successes!



  1. With the upcoming holidays, I'm not about to start a diet this week.
    Never did like WW. All that weighing and measuring. I need something brainless, and easily available.
    Did Atkins once and lost 25lbs, but I dunno.
    These days I eat due to stress, and I don't see the stress easing any time soon.

  2. Well I have a cruise in a few weeks I am going on and plan to let that be my last hurrah. Then I am gonna buckle down and start my weight loss program...and try to begin a healthier lifestyle to boot!


And your thoughts????