Monday, February 7, 2011

How lucky am I?

My Monday didn't start out so hot,
loooonnnnngggg commute for the
9 short miles from home to office!
Everywhere I turned,
traffic was at a standstill.

Well good news arrived mid-afternoon!

I just won another drawing! 
This is NOT my usual luck.
I need someone to slap me
and wake me up, tell me this is a GOOD thing!

So excited to have won AGAIN!
This time, I won a $100 Gift Card

Just in time to treat me
(and my mom) to a special
Valentine's Day floral arrangements!

Was just saying to hubby not to get
flowers or candy for VDay, such a waste.
I don't want to splurge on flowers since
they die so quickly.  If he buys me something,
I'd prefer plants that will last much longer.

So now you understand my level
of excitement to be able to buy
flowers for me and my lovely mom!
I <3 her very much and she'll be so surprised!


  1. Wow~~ What a great surprise for you and your Mom.. You are a good daughter ( I can tell ) :)

  2. Thanks Gail.... orders placed for Friday delivery...can't wait to get them here at home and for mom to get them at her place!
    Happy Valentine's Day to me, hehehe!

  3. Congratulations, enjoy the flowers!

    So nice of you to share with your Mom.

  4. Well MK, thanks for stopping and telling me how nice I am... I don't give a rat's a$$ what the others say about me, I AM NICE!

    Muchos Gra$$y A$$


And your thoughts????