Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Permit Me To Be Nostalgic for a Moment...

I can hardly believe it's been 31 years today that I gave birth to my first child, a son, and life as I knew it would never be the same.

I can recall the silly things first-time parents do since they have no idea what to expect and what to do.

We had just made settlement on our new home the evening of July 5th and went over and checked out the place. Move in day was to be that weekend. After going to our new home (and no I was NOT carried over the threshold!) and walking around, we went back to my s-i-l's house where we had a room until our house was ours.

That night, I started with what I thought were 'contractions'. They were contractions but not the kind that mean delivery is imminent, silly me... no one told me it hurts and these didn't hurt they were simply a nuisance.

Regardless, the expectant father had me at the hospital at 6am. I took a shower but did not get to put on make up nor fix my hair. Boy oh boy, those pictures of me are a sight to see! I learned my lesson with successive births. :)

Dr. induced labor (yuck! again I say no one told me it hurt!) and 11 hours later we delivered a bouncing baby boy, 9lbs 3oz 21", a real slugger! So much for imminent delivery huh?

Dr. was teaching obstetrics so there were students in the room. After delivery, hubby made calls to family about the arrival. He was SO EXCITED! A boy! Then the baby was circumcized right there next to me and hubby in delivery room. Guess closest I'll ever be to a bris. LOL

When they readied the baby to take to the nursery, hubby says, "It's cold in here isn't it?" and everyone says, "No." Then hubby, so proud as a peacock, follows the cart with our son out of the delivery room and watches as he's wheeled to the nursery.

It was then the reason for his 'feels cold' was understood by all in the delivery room...as he leaned out the door to watch his son being wheeled away, his gown opened up and lo and behold, his white ass was revealed. That along with sitting on one of those metal stools in the room would make any one a bit cold... He wanted to make sure he was sterile so when he was told to go and gown up...he removed EVERYTHING and donned the gown, hat and mask on.

Oh what roars of laughter arose in the delivery room!

We were famous in the hospital with the staff...and there's more funny hospital stories AND moving into a house while in the hospital but that can be shared at another time.

We tell all first time parents our story so they don't do what we did and in the throws of things they all say they think of that story and laugh!

Ah, it hardly seems possible that my firstborn is 31 years old today. He's turned into a creative, talented and good young man. He's been following his passion and working on music every chance he gets. I am a proud mother.

Thirty-one years ago today my life was transformed and I became a mother. It's been the best reward God has bestowed upon me. So thank you God and thank you Jesus for the blessing of motherhood some 31 years ago.

P.S. (Thanks for letting me be nostalgic for a moment... <3)


  1. Thanks for sharing this personal moment with us.
    The birth of my children was the highlight of my life. Nothing can compare to seeing that tiny new life for the first time.
    I too was in the delivery room with gown and mask, but I kept the rest of my clothes on as well. LOL

    And Happy Birthday to your son! Hope he continues to make you proud for many more years to come.

  2. Thanks for taking time out to read the post MK. Some things, like the thrill of bringing a life into this world, are universal.

    So glad you weren't cold in the delivery room. Would love to hear about the birth of twins not once...but twice! and of course, your little one's.


And your thoughts????