Monday, June 20, 2011

When I do something, I do it GOOD!

Have you ever done something and wish you could rewind time?

Well, what a way to start a work week... such an occurrence started my work week.  Rainy days and Mondays get me down... I really didn't need the added action to make it worse.

A corporate wide email went out with something I included.  These communications go EVERY week.  Well this particular submission I entered dealt with a launch of a new product.  This launch has been delayed and I should have pulled the submission... but you guessed it, I DIDN'T.  

What's that you say, no big deal?  Well besides the fact that it went to the entire company, you're right no big deal.  I can just place a notice on the web page I direct EVERYONE to announcing the postponement of the launch. I did just that.

All fixed, no big deal.... until...

I get an email back telling me that I should not have placed the supplier on the email distribution because the original email is NOT something we share with suppliers.  It has competitor information and links and this and that and more of this and more of that.... YIKES!

Did'ja ever just want to crawl back under that rock you came out from under?

When I do something, I do it GOOD, with a capital G-O-O-D!

Don't think I will ever make this mistake again.  Broadcast all over AND shared proprietary info... Guess what keeps going through my head now.... and it's not Forget You.... but it starts with the same letter!

Can I go home now?
When does Tuesday start?


  1. Had a similar incident happen to me recently. We're only human, we ALL make mistakes, even though our bosses pretend otherwise. Screw them.
    Don't let it get to you, just chalk it up to experience and have a wonderful day.

  2. MK, thanks... good to know you're not perfect either!

    I did send an email to the supplier and explained that the email I forwarded was confidential and proprietary internal communication and asked her to delete that message and use this email as her notice that I informed the field of the delay in launch.

    YIKES! I have a pit in my stomach... but perhaps some pizza and diet coke will remedy! NAW, it's a Captain and Diet that will do the trick when this poor gal gets to the humble abode tonight!


And your thoughts????