Friday, June 10, 2011

What makes a post popular?

Geez, awhile back I did a post of something along the lines of...
An old man once said...
basically it boiled down to
gravitate towards healthy things
and forget about those things
that bring you down.
Live a happy life.

I simply cannot believe the amount of hits my little blog is getting
on that post alone!  So many are searching, perhaps for the
identity of the old man, or what type of background would this
old man have based on his remarkable words he shared.

That post is my single most popular post so I am going to copy
and paste it in here and see if there are more hits, and maybe,
just maybe those who are pointed here will comment on why
they searched on these words.... it will be of interest to hear the
serious ones, I am sure there could be tons of wackos out there
who may leave crazy responses... let's try this experiment together.

An old man once said...
"There comes a time in life,
when you walk away from all the drama
and all the people who create it.

You surround yourself with people
who make you laugh,
forget about the bad,
and focus on the good.

So, love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones that don't.

Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Falling down is part of life,
getting back up is living life."
Guess I'll start praying...


  1. I find that posts in which some celebrity is mentioned get lots of views. The word sex also works well, but then we've already established that.
    Whatever you're doing, it seems to be working so keep it up.

  2. Well then I'll have to mention you in my next post MK, because afterall, you're the most famous person I know and your alias is Mr. Blogspot, oh nevermind, you shut yours down b/c you ran out of things to say!! ROLFLMAO... impossible.


And your thoughts????