Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Two people who put a smile on my face...

This one cracks me up...

How could you not smile (and laugh)
to the dismay of his mother? :)

This one, well this one I could
just eat him up....

Thank you God for these two wonders,
I love them both.

Hope you get to smile today!


  1. Dyly is getting big. :-)

    Enjoy them!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Gail. Hope all's well in your neck of the woods.

    Did you smile?

    My nephew is such a character, he makes me LOL, really he does. Climbed right up to the top of the door way.... thank goodness he's NOT MINE!!!! As an aunt, I get to laugh and say, do it again, I want to get my camera!

    HAHAHA...have a great 4th of July weekend.


And your thoughts????