Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Time Capsule of Sorts

One day last week, I was seriously contemplating
whether to stop this lil ol' blog o' mine.

When I started,
I didn't set out with a plan to change the world.
I didn't think I'd ever get anyone to read my words.
I didn't think it was worth doing anymore.
After all, who gave a rat's a$$ about it?

No one, not a single person, nope not anyone
but me.  Then I went back and read through some
of the entries and they told me something.

They were a time capsule of sorts letting me relive
some moments I dared to post and share with the world
(and my blogging buddies ~ <3, Love you guys/gals!)

I am glad I never was able to save that post
bidding you all a fond farewell.  (I was trying to
do it on my iPad with tear-filled eyes, twice! but it
wouldn't save for some reason.)  I was in a rough
patch, a dark place, a place I don't like being in.

Like my heading states, this is just a place for me
to post things that happen in my life day-to-day,
some boring, some not...you be the judge.

If I decide to change paths and write something that
I think will serve mankind, I'll start a new blog to let
the world know I have come to SAVE THE DAY.
(Lucky you, you'll be one of the first to know so you
get a running start or at least you can choose to ignore!)

For now, I'll just plug away at my little blog for prosperity.

Thanks for being a faithful reader and sometimes, even
leaving a comment.  I cherish each and every one of them.

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