Thursday, August 18, 2011

What a Wacky Day...

Alarm went off and you'd think I'd turn it off and get out of bed.

Not today, I was tired when I went to sleep last night and tired when I woke up.

I did have a few dreams so at least I know I must have gotten some sound sleep but man oh man, were they crazy when I thought about them when I finally got outta bed.

Then I hear the thunder and see lightning outside.  The buckets of rain begin to fall from the heavens.  I put off leaving for work because frankly, I didn't want to drive in the torrential downpour.  I kept hoping it would ease up.  It didn't so off I go.

The rain fell at such a rate that the roads were turning into big puddles themselves.  The highway I usually travel was a bumper to bumper parking lot according to the traffic report on the TV, so I decide to take the back roads instead.

Guess I should get some flippers for my car so I can swim maneuver through the puddles.

By the time I arrive, I am already late for a meeting. :(  By the time I get the laptop booted and email open, I see that the meeting 'might have to get cancelled', Whew, saved by the other engagement!  Yay, no meeting.

Fast forward through the day because I was busy as crap and it flew by.  I went to Yoga and sweat my bloody A$$ off (well, not really but how nice would that be to sweat your A$$ off literally?) Then I get on that wonderful road, lovingly referred to as 'The Blue Route' but affectionately known as 'The Parking Lot' where me and tens of thousands of my nearest and dearest sit in single file taking turns lifting our feet off of our brake pedals to creep ever-so-slowly forward towards our Exit Ramps.

Did you ever drive along and arrive at a red light and wonder, "How did I get here?  I don't remember driving past Wawa... or the trolley tracks... or the shopping center... WTF?" Well, after departing my favorite highway, I had one of those moments!

I know I was daydreaming.  Thinking about missing Max (it's been over a week, I miss him and his loud MMEEEEEEEE-OOOOWWWW's) and Andrew and missing him and hoping he's hanging in there and packing for a business trip, what to bring, should I check in the bag or do carry-on, lots of outstanding things at work and sooooo many emails to catch up on, working summer hours tomorrow, oh wait, I am behind on everything, oh crap, I am gonna take it, I deserve it.  Thinking about a friend and wondering about 'N' words.

Oh my, this was like my dream before waking up...all over the place.  Good news is that I arrived home safe and sound.  jAte dinner and then an awesome storm 'rolled' in, in all it's glory.  It had plenty of lightning and rolling thunder!  Spectacular display Mother Nature.  I love to watch a thunder and lightning storm and this one was great.

It reminded me of storms from when I was little.  Brought back memories of sitting and watching the storms. Hearing the rolling thunder in 'stereo'.  We used to call it "Angels bowling in heaven."  Perhaps that's why I am not afraid of such storms although I do give Mother Nature due respect.

Well this is a recap of my wacky day.  A cup of ice cream awaits me.

Did you have a wacky day?



  1. I've been extremely busy at work, working late every night and Sundays too, so I've been neglecting my blog buddies.
    I just love driving in the rain... NOT! Just three drops of rain is all it takes to bring the highway to a grinding halt.
    Max will live forever in your heart, take consolation in your memories of him. And I know some chocolate ice cream will help.
    Here's a 'N' word, nothing. Forget about it.
    Stay safe.

  2. Stay safe? Are you implying I live an exciting and eventful life? LOL, it's truly boring except for all the drama that surrounds me!


And your thoughts????