Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I owe, I owe...

it's back to work I go!

Had a great 4th with family.
My favorite 5 year old got
everyone up and we marched
in a parade waving old glories
and pinwheels.

Wish I had my camera so I
could post pix... but I had no
idea we were doing a parade
singing..."It's the forf of July,
it's the forf of July, it's the forf
of July..."


What did you do?  Any watermelon
eating contests?

Oh well, back to the old bump and grind it is.


  1. Glad to hear you had a nice holiday.
    I spent the weekend relaxing, a BBQ, and some fireworks. :-)

  2. Oh, yeah, I forgot about the fireworks... the BEST part of the weekend for me! :-O

    Glad it was a safe weekend for you. Thanks for posting.


And your thoughts????