Monday, March 21, 2011


Well, since last Thursday's dilemma,
I've really not had many reasons to 

I've had a few but they all involve Dylly
and I've tortured you with him enough
already so I am holding back on him 
for a bit to give y'all a break. (Applause)

The thing about my dilemma is that I 
must enact Tough Love and honestly,
I think this Tough Love is tougher on me
than on my son.

I've had to pull the strength together when
he called Saturday night asking for a ride 
to work.  Told him this ONE TIME only and it 
will be the LAST TIME he asks.  Other arrangements
need to be done moving forward.

Then he shows up yesterday afternoon and
is telling us how he's on the streets, has no where
to go.  Again, I have to suck up and pull up the 
strength to use Tough Love and tell him he can't 
live with us.  Should've thought about THAT before
he made the choices he did.

All the while I have a DH who's falling into pieces 
saying he doesn't want to lose his son (oh like I do?)
and he wants to give him ANOTHER chance.  DH is 
already suffering with depression of his own... so 
my dilemma is exponentially growing, UGH!

So you see I am fighting two battles; son and father.

Sad as it sounds, the ONLY way to make the father
see it as I do is to put the decisions into threats.

i.e. There are three of us living here and one of us 
HAS TO GO.  I will let him make the choice, since
he doesn't like my choice, and live with whatever decision

 he comes to.
1. Dad & meds, 2. son. 3. me

I let him decide and of course he makes me out to be the

bad one.  DH just doesn't get it, he just doesn't see the forest 
through the trees.

Oh, how I hate, hate, hate being in this predicament and I 
hate, hate, hate having to continue to make these decisions
with each contact since Thursday.

Woke up to rain today and you know what they say about
rainy days and Mondays.... so I really do want to find 
something to PLSOMF.  

I keep up the search if you keep
up the prayers.


  1. My heart goes out to you and your family, the choices are all impossible.
    It seems to me, the first thing to do is for "son" to get into rehab. A tough program that will make him commit to getting better. No one can do it for him. Until that happens, he can't live at home and pretend everything is "business as usual".
    And make HD back you on whatever plan is decided on. He can't have it both ways. Yea, it's tough, but HD has got to suck it up and help son get better. Coddling him won't do anyone any good.
    So sorry, I hope things turn around soon.

  2. My heart aches for you.. I wish I could do more.. please know that you are in my thoughts and I am hoping all goes well for you in these most difficult times.


  3. My Blogging Friends,
    Thank you for taking the time to leave your kind words. I don't mean to burden you with my thoughts but I need a pressure relief. I did think twice before hitting publish but a friend once told me my blog could be anything I needed it to be, even cathartic.

    Can't say that it's worked. Heck, yesterday I brought my woes to church and left them on the alter for God to take from me, ease my burden kinda thing... even that didn't work. I am so broken and torn.

    All's not too bad though, I am heading to the Keys on Thursday on a long planned trip for a cousin's daughter's wedding so I will try to put a smile on my face and enjoy as best as possible. Watch the news reports about a crazy woman who's imbibed every umbrella laden drink in KW! Thinks she's in Kokomo because she got here fast just to take it s-l-o-w.

    Thanks again.
    Ah, the tears of a clown when there's no one around...

  4. you know..that's why were let you put in words what your heart is feeling. We all have our crosses to bear..and sharing the load makes it better for every one of us..if we can give hope or an encouraging word, or just a sounding board..then we have been a true blogging-buddy. Sleep well my friend and know we do care..we may not have answers, but we've got big shoulders :-)

  5. Thanks Colleen. As much as I try to remain positive, there's not too many pluses in a situation such as this. I kinda get sick of all the drama that I have to deal with especially since I am NOT THE SOURCE of the drama. I just hope that when I finally crack and fall to pieces, there's someone there to catch me. Like I said, I even tried to place this burden with God, which usually leaves me with a less burdensome feeling, but this time it didn't work, I am still carrying them around. The more I think about it the more upset I become so I try to push it out of my mind and deal with it in small doses.

    I am not being like an ostrich and hiding my head in the hopes it will disappear when I pull my head out of the ground (although how cool would that be?), I know this needs to be dealt with and this Tough Love is definitely T-O-U-G-H on me in several ways.

    Thanks for being here and 'listening'. Perhaps the PLSOMF will be one of your posts! :)


And your thoughts????