Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So enjoying this week 'off' from work...

even if I have to log on and work, 
it's nice to just do so at a slower pace.

Had a nice Christmas holiday with friends on Christmas Eve 
and family on Christmas day.  My daughter's family spent 
Christmas Eve night and Christmas night with us.
So you know what that means.... 
I got to spend my grandson's first Christmas with him and 
see him as he awoke.  It was sheer heaven to have him
with us.


Causing the E-A-G-L-E-S game to be postponed until tonight,
a Snow Emergency in the city and everyone running to the grocery
stores so they could make French bread.  Still not sure why 
everyone wants French bread when it snows but the bread, milk 
& eggs are in short supply when that famous four letter word is 
spoken by the weather forecasters.... S-N-O-W!
Our weekend guests decided they'd better head back home to
the city when the Snow Emergency @ 2pm was announced.
They made it home safe and sound and have been cuddled up in bed
ever since they got home! LOL.

Luckily, it was Sunday and we had no place to go to so we could
just sit back, watch the snow fall and listen to the blustery winds!
Boy oh boy, were they ever loud and 
man oh man, did they ever make snow drifts!
(On our side of the street, of course!)

Snow blowed and shoveled our way to freedom by mid-day Monday.
Got out for appointment and a little shopping.
Worked last night for several hours and most of the day today.

The snow did cause a change in plans to visit with a friend
and catch up, but that can (and will) be rescheduled for
another time.

Cannot believe that tomorrow is Wednesday, Hump Day,
and we're heading towards the 2nd weekend of the 'holiday' break.
Who knows what things I'll do the rest of the week.
Shopping is definitely on the list.

More family time on New Year's Day and so looking forward to
that gathering with cousins and their families.  We always have
such a great time when we meet up.

P.S. (Pix collage to come once all the holiday parties are completed. I know, you can't wait!)


  1. You grandbaby is aDOraBle! How wonderful to have little ones around for Christmas??!! We had Ella when she was 2 and then again at 4..but I ready to have her love closer so I can have her all the time!

    Merry New Year..and Happy Christmas..or whatever :-)

  2. Why TYVM Colleen, I think he's a cutie pie but I AM biased! Loved having him here for his first Christmas morning.

    Merry New Year and Happy Christmas to you too!


And your thoughts????