Sunday, October 17, 2010

There's alot to be said for spontaneity

The best times are had when it's spontaneous with no timeline nor idea of what will come next.  Yesterday was such a day and I really enjoyed my time with family.

I was actually working on my laptop, yes working, yes on a Saturday morning, yes really... read my post about it's that time of year and you'll understand why.  Anywho, I was actually working when the phone rang and a voice said, "We're on our way to the zoo, wanna come?"

At first I thought, who's this but then I said, "What did you say?" and I realized it was my nephew.  They had already left home and were driving when his mom said, "Give your aunt a call and see if she wants to join us."

"Hmmmm... how long you gonna be?"
" I don't know. Mom, how long we gonna be?"
"We'll be back by lunch time."
"Hmmmm, I am working, in my jammies, need to catch up with work... but okay, I'll go." (I need so much persuasion, people get tired of having to twist my arm to do something FUN!)

Next thing I know, the phone rings, "We're in the driveway, you ready?"
"Still getting clothes on but will be there soon.  Come on in, door's open."

Trick or Treating at the zoo.  Costumes on kids, costumes on parents, costumes on zoo employees, so much fun to see and do.  I was dressed up as an Aunt that's a Phillies' Phan. HA!

After leaving the zoo, s-i-l asked if I knew where that road led to.  I said no but it's got to lead to center city.  Let's take it. And we did.

Ended up on the far side of the Art Museum so we got out, walked out to gazebo on the water and took some pix of Boat House Row, Waterworks & Art Museum.  There's a beautiful, steep path up to the Art Museum that's topped with two gazebos.  We decided to embark on a journey to the top.

Once there, we decided to keep going along and trek to the 'Rocky Steps' at the front of the Art Musuem.  We did the steps, posed for pix along the way, did some silly things and decided time to head back to the car.  Our walk continued around the other side of the Art Museum to a path that took you through a sculpture pretty, how nice, how unexpected! 

Eventually we meandered our way back to the car and decided we were getting hungry.  Drove to and through Chinatown and since s-i-l never had been to Reading Terminal Market, decided that's the place to jaunt to next.

So much yummy food from which to choose.  Three of the four decided to do Hershel's East Side Deli and grab sandwiches. (My Reuben was sooooo good.)  Our fourth decided Chinese was exactly what the belly desired.

After walking the rest of the market and getting fresh baked cookies, we headed back to the car.  As we waited for the parking attendant, nephew asks if we can go see Dylly.  He hadn't met him yet.

On the next part of our journey, we headed uptown to see my grandson.  Had a great visit and departed for home.  Let me tell you, we were well beyond lunch time when we arrived home.

When we got back to my place we ate our cookies with glasses of milk.  Kiddos and s-i-l left and I jumped back on the laptop to finish what I had started earlier in the day.

This was the best kind of day.  Not planned and did whatever tickled our fancies!  We had a blast! 

Art Museum
Meeting Scrump-dylly-icious!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day, I'm glad you had a great time.
    Scrump-dylly-icious!? One day he'll get back at you. Just wait. When you least expect it. LOL

  2. It was just a fabulous day doing whatever we wanted whenever we wanted to do it!

    My Scrump-dylly-icious will love me for this nickname.... especially when I begin to lick him like a soft serve cone from Dairy Queen...the original scrump-dilly-icious! LOL.

  3. Your adventure sounds wonderful..and you probably need more of these in your days, huh? Good for you! Loved the photos..

  4. Colleen, was trying to figure out how you did all those collages and FINALLY did so I made a couple of our impromptu day to share! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.


And your thoughts????