Sunday, November 3, 2013

State of the Ming's Things Union

Recently asked why I have not been posting lately,
I have to say, I was thinking the same thing myself.

Was it boredom with blogging?
Was it how I felt about the content on my blog?
Was there a lack of focus with the content?

After all, my byline simply states, "A simple collection of thoughts and things that happen in my day-to-day life; some interesting, some not."

I don't know what it was.  I do enjoy reading others' blogs but mine?  Do others enjoy reading mine?  Is this blog for me or my readers or both?

Certainly, there are posts that I've used to psssssst, let off steam.  There are others that merely touch upon a topic and poof! it's done.  And some, I guess, could be strung together as an ongoing saga... the old Comedy and Tragedy that touches my life as I weave, successfully bob and sometimes succomb to life's challenges.

Mostly, I guess, it's a way for me to document what's going on in my life at a specific time and when I find myself going back to the very beginning of my writings here, I see it was an outlet and extension of myself.

I often wonder if I should start another one with a focused topic.  But alas, is my life that organized that I can continue to focus on one topic?  If so, what one topic shall I write about?

As many longtime readers know, Ming is a psuedonym, a nom de plume, a pen name.  I have shared some very personal life experiences on this blog... was it because of the anonymity of it?  Do I want the world to know the person behind the curtain known as Ming?  Or is it just plain more easier to vent, rant, express to the world as a mysterious stranger?

Maybe one day I will organized myself and figure out a clear direction and start a blog under me... but dear readers, today is not that day... this week is not that week.

In the meantime, I have some more pictures of my Hawaiian trip to share so look for the next post and enjoy!

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