Friday, February 24, 2012

Wedding Venues Revisited

Me and the Bride-to-be are heading back
to revisit the two venues we saw last weekend.

Went to dinner last night and after, came home
and did some # crunching with the help of my 
good friend, Excel!

She's a nervous wreck already on how to afford
this reception... I am not a soothsayer so to speak,
however, I can see about 14 months of nervous
Nelly to deal with....

Where's my Prozac?


  1. If she feels it's too expensive, there are more affordable alternatives. (can you spell Vegas?)

    Somehow I got the impression that Mom & Pop were footing the bill...

  2. Ah... weddings are not like they were back in the 'old days' when bride's parents picked up the tab. Today, it's more like a 'yours, mine and ours' type of expense with parents of both bride & groom and the bride and the groom all chipping in to defray the costs.

    At least that's how we worked it with our other daughter's wedding.

    Mind you, hubby and I are giving a pretty hefty contribution, although the same as was given to her sister... after all, we did a set precedence and we must be fair with each daughter.

    We've chosen the venue and it's the most cost effective choice after all was said and done. Even the owner suggested we go with the more intimate venue... and YOU KNOW how much I like intimate venues! HA! JK of course!


And your thoughts????