Thursday, January 12, 2012

Kitchen Addition Vantage Point #1

I am taking pictures of the progress from 
three different vantage points.

As well, thinking it would be cool to take each
Vantage Point and put all those images together 
would make a better story...

I am trying to learn how to work the image software
but lucky for you, I got one collage completed!  It'll 
take me some time to do the others but I'll post them
up here too for my Fan Club to view! HA!

Maybe, I'll try to put up choices in lighting, cabinets, etc.,
similar to a storyboard so you can see the pieces...
and when it's all done, some shots of it all together.

So, here's what I have so far from Vantage Point #1,
whaddya think?


  1. WOW, you've probably tripled the living space.
    Looks good so far. :-)

  2. Compared to what the old 'bump out' was, yes we've quadrupled the size of the 'bump out'. Only difference is, the smaller 'bump out' had only the fridge & cabinet in it with back door to yard. New addition will house the entire kitchen while the old kitchen area will house the new banquette eating area.

    There'll be so much room to sit, kabitz and drink coffee... you'll have to make a trip to my neighborhood and enjoy! :)

  3. Wow! What a project! Great photos! And oh...aren't you going to love it when it's done!! Something really special about a new kitchen... The center of the house and all that nice stuff!

  4. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment Ann. I am very excited to get the new kitchen although I just want it to be finished. The inside demo hasn't begun yet because we need the plumbing & electric to the addition roughed in and inspected and getting the inspector here in a timely fashion is proving to be similar to moving a mountain to Mohammad...


And your thoughts????