Thursday, January 19, 2012

Finally, let the new year begin at work...

Fresh back from Washington DC from my company's
annual North American Sales Meeting and I can now
let the new year at work begin.

Christmas and the holiday season feel like they were months
ago... and it's only been weeks since.  All that time, focus
and energy on the NASM removes the celebrating of the
holidays from one's memory....  I am happy that it is done.

There's been an internal restructure of our sales force and
although my team was told it would not affect us, my colleagues
and I KNOW that we too will have some shifting among
ourselves.  I believe we weren't restructured earlier so we
could focus on the task at hand, the NASM.

Now that this is history... I think we'll be told of our
realignment... but then again, who knows?

I am happy to be home.  I have a lot of personal 'housekeeping'
to attend to in 2012 and I simply must focus on ME and my health.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping!


And your thoughts????