Thursday, November 4, 2010

YAY!!! I had a dream....

and what a doozie it was but the really cool thing about it is

I've been so sleep deprived for so long that I haven't gotten any good sleep so...

having a dream means
I hit REM
and was fast asleep! YAY for me.

My dream was so crazy and mixed up and  perfectly made sense while I was going along, however, in the real world as I reveiw all the silly details...none of it makes any sense nor does the path taken from one section to the other... but in the dream, there was no seemed logical....that's how I know

I FINALLY GOT SOME SOLID SLEEP!, if I could build onto that and get a few days of solid, sound sleep... beggers can't be choosers.  :-)


  1. Dreaming is good, unless you're in middle of a meeting and the boss is asking you a question. I do it all the time. LOL
    BTW, I almost never remember my dreams.

    Anyway, I glad you're feeling good.
    Sweet dreams. :-)

  2. Merci beaucoup mon ami! Hoping Mr. Sandman brings me a dream (and I am sure I will remember it!)


And your thoughts????