Sunday, November 7, 2010

Quit your bellyaching...

Did you ever have one of those days that you just felt u-g-l-y?  Well yesterday was one of them for me.

Took a walk as soon as I woke stopping for drinking water... no sirree Bob,  hop outta bed, put on easy walking clothes, click on the pedometer, find a hat to cover the bed head, oh I  did do a lil bit or preening... I washed the face and put on my eyebrows... never leave home without them!  Needless to say, I didn't want to run (err walk) into someone I knew but then again, that was not the purpose anyway.

When I got home, I did my fb thing, had coffee & breakfast, treated my houseplants to some preening and decided it's time to get ready for the day's adventure. 

As I exited the shower, I glanced at myself in the mirror...ugh or more appropriately ugly!  Pig nose has returned, I hate the pig nose!  Geez, how ugly can one get?  Well yesterday I didn't think I could get any uglier.

I persisted and continued to try to lessen the uglies, reapplied the eyebrows (hmmm... do they look symetrical or like two different brows?...oh who cares?), added a bit of eye make up and blew out the hair... stared in the mirror and thought, bad day...bad day... oh well.

Went to the room and started to try on clothes for my day's adventure...omg, I can get uglier...either a fairy came in overnight and shrunk my clothes or I am just bigger....damn those fairies!  No I know why nothing fits right.  I tried on a beautiful sweater and it was tight.  Starting lecturing to myself about how nice this sweater was, how expensive it was and how nice it would look on a smaller figure...then the light bulb went off!

My epiphany to 'Quit your bellyaching' and get on with it.  Who's to blame for those tight pants?  Fairies, no although I'd love to blame's me.  I began to think positive thoughts and get the uglies outta my head...
  • Ok you've already taken your've made a step in the right direction...continue with'll be that smaller figure in time.
  • Ok, put on something that fits hides this muffin top... gotta love Spanx with lace trim.
  • Ok, more camo needed, put a sweater over the 'secret'.
  • Alright, now top it all off with a loose coat.

Well, you ask, did I pull it off?  Did I get outta the uglies?

Tell you the truth, I have no idea but the good news is...
I didn't have to look at me and not a soul ran away as they looked at me!
So I guess I wasn't as ugly as I felt.

Today will be better... maybe I will be half as ugly today as I was yesterday...
pretty high goal...ok, let's shoot for 1/10.  Color me beautiful! LOL

Happy Sunday, enjoy!

P.S. (In some parts of the country, muffin tops = love handles!)


  1. If you didn't see you..didn't know what you looked like..if it didn't matter..would your day/week/life be better? Well...?? You are not what your reflection in the mirror who you are inside that make you beautiful. And when YOU beleive you are beautiful..YOU ARE! As far as your eating plan..I saw a good sien on The Biggest Looser (which I don't ever normally watch..) that said "Get up and finish what you started"..I love incriminations..just get up and finish what you started..WE CAN DO and me..2 beautiful beautiful show the world our outsides match your insides..

    HUGS to you:-)

  2. Oh Colleen, I know beauty is only skin deep and it's what's on the inside that counts...but some days it's easier to feel & look good about oneself.

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and I do plan on finishing what I started... but it's a challenge, a really big challenge.

  3. Ah, yes. Had a similar day yesterday. Can't stand to look at myself in the mirror, and I'm too darn lazy to anything about it. I sometimes think I'm trying to commit suiside by eating myself to death.
    For what it's worth, I think you're beautiful.

  4. I thank you for your kind words MK but can I take them seriously from someone trying to commit suicide by eating himself to death?

    Just kidding about the suicide thing...serious about the kind words.

  5. P.S.
    If you keep posting these risqué pictures, I won't be able to read your blog from work. ;-) lol

  6. LOL, risque I've heard everything! Shouldn't you be working at work? LOL

    You'll just have to take your chances reading this blog...cause ya just never know, do ya?


And your thoughts????