Monday, November 15, 2010

The best dog in the world - REGGIE!

Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes... I'm afraid it's time for goodbye again. 

Our faithful puppy of 14 years (actually, one week shy as his bday is next Sunday), Reggie, has perfectly performed his duties as Man's Best Friend and it's now time to take him to the vet and put him out of his pain and suffering.

I miss him already.  
Thanks for all the happiness you brought to our home/family Reg, and for the unconditional love.


  1. Me too. Thanks, he was like a member of the family and brought much happiness to our home.

  2. Oh... my heart goes out to you all. I just read your post at main Street Memories. I too had to say good-bye to my dear Harry dog last July 16... it is one of the hardest things in the world... and even though he wasn't the first doggie love to leave us it never gets easier. My husband really didn't want another animal either... just too hard to say good bye. But two weeks ago yesterday a little kitty came to live with us! He had been hit by a car and needed a home. I think he rescued us more than we him! Please go to my site and read about Edward the tail-less Tabby Cat and our dear Harry dog
    (The book i listed there really helped my daughter...)
    Your Reggie is just beautiful! He is well and happy now - you know that - and playing with my Harry!
    Many prayers I send your way,

  3. Hi, Ming,
    Stopping by from Main Street Memories; saw your comment. So sorry to know about your loss of Reggie. So sad, I have been there...

  4. Oh Sweetie! I am so sorry for this. My heart swells just hearing the love and respect you have for this wonderful companion. He will be missed.
    Please have time and day both you and your husband will be open to another loving dog happened to us after Charlie (or ShihTzu) dies of cancer about 7 years ago..we lasted about 3 months before my heart could again be opened to the possibility of another love in our lives..then we were found and adopted by 2 - Braxton & Lulu. Charlie still "talks" to them and gives advice on how to handle us..

    Please know I am sending hugs and love to you and yours...

    Find peace, my friend..

  5. @Ann.. my heartfelt thanks for your kind words. So happy you have Edward in your life now. Perhaps in time, hubby will change his mind. It was 6 years in between dogs for us but we had 2 cats in those 6 years. You see, when an animal comes into our home, they are spoiled rotten and loved to death BUT we know that we get more from than we give to the animals.

  6. @ North of 25A / Colleen,
    Thank you for taking the time to stop by and let me know you are thinking of me, a perfect stranger, in my time of sorrow and sadness.
    That Colleen of Main Street Memories sure does have a great group of followers! She's such a wonderful blogger.
    I am truly amazed that you took the time out to offer your comments to me. Thank you so much.
    Reggie was the BEST.
    I will post about Reggie's story, not just his final days, because it's worth telling.

  7. @Colleen, the Amazing Mrs. B...
    Thank you, my dear fellow blogger, for your kind words and hugs and love...I can feel them and all are much appreciated.
    Your post's timing was just so touching but then again, I may be a lil bit sensitive and emotional at this point.
    Last week was a tough week with Reg's leg going on Wednesday AND my mom being taken to the ER and admitted. When it rains it pours. Mom came home Sunday and we stopped by my house so she could say good bye to Reg. All the kids stopped by and we just sat around, talked and got on the floor with him giving him hugs, kisses and love.
    I will use the story of how we decided after 6 years to get another dog and bring him into our lives. RIP Reg.
    Thanks again for reaching out to me and your words of comfort. I am humbled.

  8. Just wanted you to know...been thinking about you...and your
    Many Blessings,

  9. @Ann, I thank you for your thoughts. It's a bit better today, I've only broken down twice so far but then again, I am at work and have to keep composed!
    I decided to write about Reg and how he came to come into our lives to help me work through the pain of my loss. I am fortunate though, I have many, many great memories that bring smiles to my face and joy to my heart.
    Thanks for 'checking up' on me and I will let hubby know I've touched you with Reggie's story.


And your thoughts????