Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Milestone Met

Dylan, for those of you who don't know already,
my first grandchild, turned 1 last Wednesday.

As I sit back and ponder, I realize that this
past year seems to have flown by.  I simply
cannot believe he's one already!

Here he is on the day he was born...

Since his arrival into my life last year,
he has brought me so much joy and
happiness, just by being here.

I have needed to rely on the love I 
have for him and the deep joy he brings
into my life as I trudged through some
tough times.

He's been my hero without even trying!

I love my little grandson and 
thank God he's in my life.

Here he is as immediate family celebrated his
first Happy Birthday!
My, how he's grown!

Happy First Birthday to my Scrump-Dylly-icious!

Looking forward to celebrating it
with your family & friends on 
October 1st.


  1. He is adorable.. you are very fortunate to have him!!
    Happy Birthday Dylan :)

  2. Thanks G! I am fortunate to have him. We'll celebrate this Saturday with friends and extended family. Looking forward to that!


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