Friday, February 22, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What is it about weddings that brings out the 'best' in families?

So, daughter #2 is getting married in April.
I had her bridal shower over the weekend.
She was the recipient of many lovely and generous gifts.

Due to the original invitation list of 80 people, 
it was necessary to hold the event at a lovely venue
instead of my house.

Anyone who has done so knows that when you hold your event
at a venue, you pay per person for the meal.  Ahem, it's not 
Mickey D's... it's a luncheon with a chef-prepared, served meal.

But I just have to vent about a few of my in-laws,
so please bear with me.

Vent #1
One sister-in-law shows up with her gay son saying,
"Hank is going to take Kathy's place at the shower. 
Is that okay?"

Okay?, Okay?... are you kidding me?
First, Kathy lives in Atlanta and we're outside
Philadelphia... ummm, she would not have come 
IF she was invited but she wasn't.

Ummm, I had to give the caterer a count LAST Thursday,
let me see if I can add your son to the lady invited luncheon.

Ugh... it gets better!

Vent #2
Back over the Christmas holiday, s-i-l #2 started a
bunch of crap, actually she didn't start it but she sure
stirred things up.  Her stirring caused me much pain and
a visit with my brother about the originator of the crap
AND her stirring caused a heart-to-heart with my brother.

I told him that the originator of the crap owed my a B-I-G apology.
The genesis of the crap was absolutely rude and I took it as a threat.
I also told him that his 2nd wife's stirring of the crap
had better cease and desist or else... or else I don't know what
but she was being down right rotten involving people who didn't 
need to know about how upset I was at the threat and ruin 
their Christmas day celebration too.

Well this fine southern girl (she puts the drawl on real thick 
ALOT to let us northerners know how they do this or that 
in the south), never RSVP'd to me.  She chose to do all her
communicating via my daughter.  That was okay since my 
daughter was also a contact for RSVP'ing.

What got my goat is that this Ms. Manners of the South,
never came up to me to say hello and sneaked out and 
never said good bye.  I mean really?  I know, I along with 
the bridesmaids were the hostesses but I was pretty busy
orchestrating and ensuring guests who knew no one were
not left alone.

Oh, it gets even better... you have no idea!

Vent #3
S-I-L #3 calls the day AFTER the shower.  She declined coming
due to not being able to find anyone to work for her.  No biggie,
I get it... it happens.

Well she called and started out asking how the shower went.
I told her it was lovely and from the feedback I received, 
guests had a great time (their words not mine!)

My bride-to-be had just come into my house as the phone was
ringing and when her aunt asked how did she like her gift card,
I handed the phone to the bride-to-be so she could tell her aunt

Dear auntie asked my daughter a question and my daughter 
responded, I don't know, you'll have to talk to my mom.  She
has the spreadsheet with details.

Phone comes back to me.  S-I-L asks, Ryan got her invitation.
I say, Yes.
S-I-L, It was addressed to her.  When she opened her invitation,
it only had her name on the inner envelope.
I say, Yes.
S-I-L, Can her boyfriend come with her?
I say, No.
S-I-L, Her 'live-in' boyfriend, can he come?
I say, No.

Then I decided to let her know why since I let this lie dormant
since my other daughter's wedding reception, over 4 years ago.

I say, No. She is invited by herself because when she was invited
to R's wedding, she was invited with a Guest.  She replied with
a Guest and day of wedding, came alone.  I paid for her Guest
($175/plate-I share with you dear readers, not s-i-l.) 

Ryan can come alone to L's wedding just like she did for R's
wedding but we are not paying for a Guest for her.  That and the
fact that we have never met this 'live-in' boyfriend so we don't 
know him.

S-I-L, Oh... I understand.

WTF, I mean WTF?

WTF is wrong with these idiots?

I'll leave it at that and thank y'all for letting me Vent,
not once, 
not twice 
but count'em, 

THREE times!