Thursday, March 17, 2011


Why is it that someone's else's choices and actions
can have such a devastating affect on others?

I find myself in such a quandry,
know the action that I need to do,
yet, cross my heart and hope to die,
don't want to do it.

Do they not realize how much their choices
can affect others' hearts?

Oh how I wish some of the choices I have
had to make could be shared and given to
someone else.

This thing called life can be cruel.

With the Luck o' the Irish and the support
of St. Patrick on this his feast day, may I
find an equitable resolution to my dilemma.

I am broken.



  1. Sorry you are having such a time..consider yourself "Irish hugged today and everyday!

  2. TY Colleen. It's good that I have my PLSOYF things to look for each day...

  3. I am sending you warm thoughts.. and hoping you will be okay..

  4. Thanks for your kind words, Gail. Oh I will be okay (eventually). I am a survivor but I will have to carry on with a broken heart and without a piece of me.

  5. Oh my, I am so sorry you are having such heartache.
    My prayers and best wishes.


And your thoughts????