Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Found this, so apropos...


verb: forgive; 3rd person present: forgives; past tense: forgave; gerund or present participle: forgiving; past participle: forgiven
  1. 1.
    stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake.
    "I don't think I'll ever forgive David for the way he treated her"
    make allowances for, feel no resentment toward, feel no malice toward, harbor no grudge against, bury the hatchet with; 
    let bygones be bygones; 
    informallet off (the hook);
    "she would not forgive him"
    • stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for (an offense, flaw, or mistake).
      "they are not going to pat my head and say all is forgiven"
    • cancel (a debt).
      "he proposed that their debts should be forgiven"
    • used in polite expressions as a request to excuse or regard indulgently one's foibles, ignorance, or impoliteness.
      "you will have to forgive my suspicious mind"
      synonyms:excuseoverlookdisregardignore, pass over, make allowances for, allowMore

One must forgive to heal and move on.
Goodbye 2013 - Hello 2014
Happy New Year
Happy New Me

Monday, December 30, 2013



  [as-hohl]  Show IPA
noun Vulgar.

a stupid, meanor contemptible person.
the worst part of a place or thing.
Slang. stupid, mean, or contemptible.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


From dictionary.com... the word of the day is...


  [dawr-mat, dohr-]  Show IPA

a matusually placed before a door or other entrance, for people arriving to wipe their shoes onbefore entering.
a person who is the habitual object of abuse or humiliation by another.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

Wishing you the joys of the Christmas season!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Down in the Dumps...

I am, I simply am.

I went to see my youngest this evening.
He's back in jail.
He was doing so well too.

He goes in front of the judge tomorrow morning.
He could be taken off Drug Court and sent upstate.
For seven and a half years!

Honestly, I am devastated.
Living in a halfway house, he was accused of flushing dope down the toilet by four others
He says he didn't do it, but he took the blame for it.

This landed him back in jail.

Months of clean urines, drug free blood tests and trying to find a job and FINALLY getting one...
And he's back in jail with the threat of being sent upstate for seven and a half years...
Seven and a half years...
Seven and a half years...

He was doing so well, really he was, his life had taken that turn in the RIGHT direction...
And now this...

OMG, why have you forsaken me? him?
Just when things started to look up for him...

I counseled my son on what to say to the judge tomorrow morning.
Simply walk through the facts... inform him of your side of the incident at the halfway house...
When making your decision to remove me from Drug Court, please consider the entire picture and your experience with me and permit me to continue along the path to a good life.

Dear Lord, as you know I am not easily fooled and have been firm in my choices with my son and his drug addiction.  I believe him this time.  I witnessed a changed young man this time.  A man who was on his way to a happy and good life.  I am at your mercy and ask that your will be done, however, I pray that your will is one that sees my son get a chance to continue along the road he worked hard to build to recovery.  Please let the judge consider the entire picture and realize the negative impact sending him upstate will cause.  Please, in your mercy, continue to allow my son to toe the line and gain back his life.  We have suffered so much with this addiction.  Don't let us suffer another seven and a half years.  I pray for your mercy and love and for the strength to get through this.

<3 , M

Friday, December 13, 2013

What a Friday It's Been...

Started out the day with this...

What a beautiful morning sky!

Listened to a radio station that plays
Christmas music from Thanksgiving until
the day after Christmas!

Makes the horror of a commute SSSSOOOOOOOOO
much nicer and me in the Christmas Spirit!  
My favorite time of the year!

Then left work with some fellow colleagues and 
volunteered for 2 hours sorting clothes 
at Cradle to Crayons.

And writing this post as I am getting ready
to head home from the office!

How was your Friday?