A 'Feeling Under Pressure' Tuesday, of course!
Did you ever feel like a pressure cooker or
a whistling kettle with steam coming out?
I sorta feel that way (already) today.
One way I decided to lessen the pressure was
to take a few minutes to 'release' it on the blog
and you, my faithful (foolish) readers! Love ya!
Yesterday was a day from H-E-double hockey sticks yet
I knew today would be similar.
See today, I have increased my work load by
six-fold having to attend six training sessions v. only the
original one yesterday so all the North American peeps'
schedules could be accommodated. UGH!
So today, my feelings of 'Feeling Under Pressure'
stem from 'too many'.... "Too many what?", you ask.
Too many...
- emails
- meetings
- follow ups
- phone calls
- projects
So, I'll attack these 'too many's' by breaking them down
into manageable, smaller pieces and as I accomplish each
piece, I'll check it off so I can see my progress,
little as it may be,
progress nonetheless.
Hopefully seeing progress will alleviate the pressure and
see me through this blasted day!
What comes after Murphy's Law Monday,
Tantilizing Tuesday!
Oops gotta run to my 11!
Can't wait for Wonderful Wednesday ;)